Thursday, April 2, 2009

10 Months and Exhausted

Addison is 10 Months old already!! Can you believe it? I've already started thinking about and planning her birthday party.  How can this be?  Some of Addie's new/current skills and interests include taking steps on her own like a big girl, still enjoying giving zerberts, copying EVERYTHING her cousins do, trying new table foods, and repeatedly sticking out her tongue like a little frog.

Shopping is VERY exhausting.


amber said...

That's how I feel about shopping! She's so cute! I can't believe she's 10 months already!

Kara said...

That is so cute! I can't wait to snuggle her tomorrow- if she'll let me. They'll be too busy playing. :)

TraceyLD said...

When I saw you two today out shopping it's hard to believe that Addison is so big. What happened to your little baby girl? She is so precious!

The Johnston's said...

She looks peaceful now but just you wait. She is going to be getting into everything before you know it.