Saturday, May 31, 2008

Addison Leigh Bennett

She's finally here! Adie was born at 7:48pm on May 30th, weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz, and 21 1/2 inches long. It was a VERY long day/night. She's beautiful!

So now for all the details. We were admitted Thursday night because my water broke, after waiting a few hours to see if contractions would start on their own, we decided it would be best to be induced with pictocin. So after 1 hour, 4 nurses, and 6 pokes, they were finally able to get an iv started on me and started the meds. Contractions started slow and manageable, but progressed pretty quickly and got very hard, very fast. It was a long night Thursday and into Friday. I asked for nubain to help with the contraction pain, and it helped, for a while. Finally Friday afternoon, after laboring for over 15 hours with strong contractions, I was so uncomfortable, okay so miserable that I told Dean I wanted the epidural. It was wonderful, even though I went in wanting to do it without any pain meds at all. At this point I was dilated to 2 cm. They kept me on the pictocin after the epi, hoping it would help things progress. A few hours later, I was only dilated at 3 cm, and at this point my water had ruptured 24 hours previous. It was decided that we should do a c-section. At this point I just wanted it to be over, and they don't let you continue labor if your water has been ruptured much past 24 hours. There's more risk of infection. So I went in around 7:30 and less than 20 minutes later our little girl was born. We were all so tired after the whole thing. Addison spent the night in our room, but her blood test came back high for jaundice, so this morning she was moved to the NICU. She is doing better, and hopefully we will both be home in a couple days. I've been taking it slow, the incision is pretty painful when I move around. Thank you Kara for posting and keeping everyone updated. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I'll post more pictures later.


chris k said...

Even though you went to the hospital with a plan, you still have your daughter as a gift. The pain meds just made the process a little more bearable. Congratulations...I know that you have had a long couple of days. Can't wait to see her and you. Rest!!

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

oh she is a cutie !!
congrats on the beautiful addition to your family :)
take it easy, let everyone wait on you right now ! praying for quick healing.

Jenny LaBo said...

So beautiful! Thank you so much for posting!

Amanda Irene said...

Yes thank you for posting. We are all on pins and needles!! How precious and wonderful!!! I am so happy for you guys. She is such a good sized baby. YOU DID IT!!!.. . .with the help of God I KNOW!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!!

Pam said...

She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her, what a dolly :) God has blessed you both.
I have been thinking of you ALL day. Take it easy from that c-section, you have plenty of time to heal and Steph's right use all the help you can get.
I'm so excited for you I can hardly stand it!! I'll be calling you in maybe a week, after you get settled.

Kara said...

Oh I was so happy to see pictures of her today, she is really beautiful! I pictured her being blond, so I wonder if the dark hair will last? I can't wait to hold her! I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, you labored for a long time and I would've had that epi long before you got it!

TraceyLD said...

Congratulations you two!

I guess I was thinking light hair also.

She is beautiful!

I'm praying for a good night sleep for you all.

Anonymous said...

She is finally here! She is so beautiful and healthy. I'm sure the exhaustion has set in, so take all the help you can get and enjoy every moment as she will grow quickly. Congratulations to Dean & Jacob also! ~Cathy

Jackie said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!

C-Section recoveries are not easy -take it easy on yourself.

Chris said...

Congratulations Laurie and Dean! She looks very cute! You guys are going to have fun with her. :)

Heather said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see her in person. She is so cute, and I am sure even cuter in person. I will definitely pray for you. Her name is beautiful too. I was up north all week and I was thinking of you, wondering if you had the baby.