Sunday, June 1, 2008

Update on Adie

Addison is still in the NICU, but is starting to do better. She hasn't been eating because she keeps throwing up, poor little girl. They were concerned about her continuous spitting up so they did an x-ray on her stomach today. They just wanted to make sure there wasn't a reason to be concerned about her throwing up so much. The x-ray looked fine, and they said she just needs to get rid of all the yucky stuff in her tummy so she will start eating. They were going to put saline in her stomach to help clean it out. I think she's acts hungry, just can't keep anything down. Her Jaundice is stable right now, and once she is able to start eating, it should go down quickly. Please keep her in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Poor little Adie. I'll continue praying for her. Upset stomach's are not fun.

Pam said...

We're prayng for your little sweetie! I know it's hard on Mommy too when your baby isn't with you.

Kara said...

Yes, definitely know how hard it is when you can't be with her all the time. I hope this passes quickly so you can come home soon. Maybe I could come see you for a few minutes after supper tomorrow night? I have to work all day, but I'll be sending up little prayers as I think about you two.

chris k said...

Poor babes. Praying for her health and yours as well.

TraceyLD said...

I will be praying for Adie. I hope today she is feeling better.
How are you doing Laurie from surgery?

Kelly Glupker said...


Jackie said...

I am praying for little Adie's stomach and for your receovery from surgery. Thanks for the update.

Jen said...

I am praying!!!