I love my little girl.....she makes me laugh, smile, melts my heart, and even at times makes me want to scream. I am constantly learning how to be patient, understanding, and of course how to communicate with a 2 year old. Here are some things that make me smile. Sometimes it's hard not to laugh even when she's being naughty.
When doing puzzles together, Addison likes to pretend she's teaching me. When I put the puzzle piece in the right spot, she says 'good girl mommy'.
Being two and very sassy, we are working on NOT saying 'no mommy', I make her sit in time out until she says 'yes mommy'. So if she really wants something, she will use all of her polite words. When asking for a movie she said 'please sorry yes mommy'.
She giggles when we sing and dance together.
Warning, this is a potty story, and may not be for everyone. Addison started doing her business on the potty one night, then got down to analyze it and said 'it's a HOT DOG!'
On the weekends, Addison usually wakes me up by coming in the bedroom while I'm still in bed, hands me my glasses, grabs my hand, and says 'get up mommy'.
She occasionally says 'Pssssttt, come here mommy' while motioning with her finger.
She gives her dolls, bears, etc. time outs.
She mocks me by grunting and moaning when getting up off the floor, etc. When I ask if she's making fun of mommy, she laughs. :) Even she thinks I'm getting old. haha
When I gave her something she had asked for, she said 'thank you, your welcome mommy'.