Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Addie's First Haircut

I'm not sure she really NEEDED to have her hair cut yet, but I wanted to do it so that maybe her hair would grow in thicker, longer, and more lucious than mine ever did. :) We just got it trimmed up a bit, and now I kind of miss her shaggy little baby bangs. She is such a BIG GIRL!

Before...ready with SNACKS.
Ummm...what's going on here?
Mommy let me have all the snacks I wanted.
TA DA!! Pretty new haircut.


chris k said...

Awwwwww, how cute is she. She even looks happy after the haircut.

Kara said...

Oh that last pic is soooo cute! Love those cheeks!

Amanda Irene said...

Yeah usually kids cry and cry she seemed to enjoy it.