Monday, November 9, 2009


Addison's newest fascination is lights and light switches. She is always climbing on something! So, if mommy hides the step stool, she gets creative(however probably not as much as cousin Anna).

I find it interesting that her shirt says 'Mommy's little angel'. :)

Note, that it has wheels! And yes, she has fallen out of it many times, but that doesn't stop her.


chris k said...

You better watch out! At least she would always be willing to grab the items on the top shelf of the grocery store.

Jenny LaBo said...


Kara said...

I have these horrible visions of her going face down on that tile floor! Addie, be careful!!!!! Wheels=bad

Sarah Glupker said...

It is trouble with a capital "T." Though, I must admit, she is a "cute" sort of Trouble.