Friday, March 6, 2009


Yes, that is what I have, hypertyroidism.  I went for the thyroid scan yesterday and today.  Took the radioactive iodine pill in the morning and 4 hours later went for the screen/scan.  A 'normal' thyroid will have and uptake/usage of about 15% after 4 hours, mine was 65%.  After 24 hours, the high end of normal is 30% and mine was 88%.  The nuclear technician told me that I definately have a HYPERthyroid.  This is the first time someone has actually comfirmed that, even though that's what I thought based on symptoms.  For the scan I had to lay on a table very still, then the nuclear arms with the gamma cameras rotated around my head/neck to take pictures of my thyroid at different angles.  I should have the pics/results back next week.  These will show the size of my thyroid and wheather or not there are any nodules present.

On the chart, I have highlighted my path so far.  From blood work, my T3 level is at 1872(normal range 230-420), very high.  My T4 level is 5.7(normal is 0.8-1.8), also high.  My TSH level is low, 0.01(normal 0.4-4.5).


chris k said...

An answer. So, how will this continue to affect you? Did the Flint dr get you in?

TraceyLD said...

At least you have an offical word now. How long before you can be treated?
I'm impressed with your pictures. Feels like I just left the doctors office.

amber said...

Glad you have an answer! Now for some treatment and getting back to normal!

Laurie said...

Chris, treatment sometimes take several months to take effect.:( I am hoping my doctor can push to get me into someone here sooner.

Tracy, I see my doctor Thursday, not sure if she will start treating or wait for the endocrinologist.