Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What's wrong with me?

I know it's a loaded question, but let's focus on my health.  I haven't been feeling 'normal' for a while now.  Here are my symptoms.

Tired (I could sleep all day)
Low energy
Hot flashes(not sure I really like this term, but it is what it is)
Shortness of breath (I need to sit or lay down after taking a shower, or climbing stairs)
Low appetite

The weak and shaky feeling stays with me pretty much ALL the time, the other symptoms come and go.  And just so there isn't any confusion, NO I'm not pregnant....I took a test.   I have my own ideas, but my doctor won't do blood work without seeing me first.  I want to hear what others think before I share my thoughts.  I have waited almost 2 weeks to see her, my appointment is tomorrow.  It's pretty much all I can do to get myself and Addison ready in the morning, and then when I get home I just can't WAIT until I can go to bed.  One night I almost went to the redi-med, but I just didn't have the energy.  I realize my doctor will have a nice long lecture for me on my diet and how I should change.  That's not going to happen, I would just like her to treat ME, however screwed up I am.



Kara said...

I have no clue. Not even a guess. The hotflashes seem out of the ordinary... what's wrong with you?!?! I hope your doc is nice and caring and takes the time to really find out what it is.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 guesses - low thyroid or an estrogen (or some hormone) imbalance. It could be depression, too. I am no medical person, but have hypo (low) thyroid, have been thru menopause and have gone thru periods of depression myself. It doesn't sound like you are sad about anything.


Laurie said...

I have been through depression also, and I don't think that is it.

Thyroid problem is one of my guesses, the other things I would like my doctor to test for are anemia, diabetes, and lupus. I'm not sure if weight loss might be a symptom. Hard to tell because of having a baby, but I have lost more than I gained during pregnancy. My mom has lupus and my grandpa had diabetes. Anemia was my first guess just because I don't really get much iron. We'll see, I'll keep you posted.

Sarah Glupker said...

Hey Laurie!

My 'diagnosis' have all been mentioned. It sounds somewhat like hypothyroidism, except for the weight loss part...usually people gain weight with a low thyroid. Post-partum depression is also a thought, but it sounds like you're mentally/emotionally doing OK, based on what you say. You very well might have an iron or a vitamin B12 deficiency. Simple lab work would confirm these things, but other signs might be pale nailbeds, or a red/beefy tongue. Your doctor probably also wants to observe for other physical manifestations of various potential diagnosis (which would be too numerous to list here), so go in for a check-up ASAP!!! The treatment may be very simple, but have profound affects on how you feel. Keep me updated!


amber said...

Sorry, i have no guesses, but I'll be praying for you and your dr. Hopefully the blood tests wil reveal exactly what's wrong, and you can return to feeling normal!!

Kelly Glupker said...

Sounds like a thyroid issue to me as well. I sure hope they can find out what is wrong!

Anonymous said...

My guess is anemia...I love and miss you!!
brandi jo