Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Night With The Veihl Kids

I watched the Veihl kids Saturday night so Kara could go to a Halloween party.  Addie stayed home with daddy(5 is my limit)!  The kids were pretty well behaved, I didn't have to give anyone a timeout(Tommy gave himself one).  Rachel is such a BIG helper, she helped Abby go potty and changed her diaper.  She also asked if she could help clean up the table after dinner.  As frustrating as the boys can be at times, they say things that just melt your heart.  As part of Adam 's bedtime prayers he said 'thank you Jesus for dying on the cross'.  As I was helping Tommy get his jammies on he said 'you could be like our mom'.  I took this as a complement, I must have been doing a pretty good job to be compared to mommy.  We had fun, I don't know how you do it Kara.


Fine Girl said...

What a good Auntie you are!! I know EXACTLY what you mean about boys being a little frustrating and then melting your heart in the next SECOND! I think Aiden and Adam need to get together...THAT would be t.r.o.u.b.l.e!! Thanks for sharing the pics!

amber said...

Oh, what a good aunt you are!! Thanks for filling in so Kara could go to the party. And yes, I would say being compared to Kara is a compliment!

Jenny LaBo said...

You are good.

chris k said...

Somehow the Veihl 5 are not equal to the Bennett 1 or 2, depending on the weekend. You did a good job. No one fell off of the slide and nobody was flushed down the toilet. Rachel looks like a little mother's helper. She is going to make big bucks babysitting someday.

TraceyLD said...

It was great to see Kara out know the kids were in great hands with Aunt Laurie.
I bet the kids enjoyed having you just to themselves for a little while.

Kara said...

Why did it take me so long to check your blog?!?! I love that picture of all 5! And thank you again for doing that, I am your #1 fan.