I noticed a few weeks ago that Addie had some bruises on her back and hip. I thought maybe they were from her diaper being too tight, or from her bathtub. Well, they are STILL there, so I asked the nurse about them at her doctor appointment. She said they are Mongolian spots. Huh(I thought to myself), what are those? The nurse explained, and then I did some research. They are flat bluish gray birth marks that look like bruises. They most often appear on the base of the spine, on their little bottoms, and backs. The spots can appear at birth or shortly after, and usually fade or disappear by age 2. The pigmented area has a large concentration of skin cells called melanocytes, with normal skin texture. They are most common among people of Asian, East Indian, African, and Latino heritage(which I know of none in our family). They are only seen in about 10% of Caucasians and 90% of Afican Americans. Because the spots are not as common in caucasians, parents are sometimes accused of abuse. SO, I made sure the nurse documented Addie's spots in case we are ever put in that situation. She does have one little round spot on her shoulder too that has been there since she was born. At least I know what they are now and can set my mind at ease that they are NOT bruises.