Wednesday, May 30, 2007

8 Facts or Quirks

Here ya go Kara, you probably know many of these already, but maybe you will learn something new about me. :)

1. My eating habits are pretty well known, but is probably my biggest quirky thing. I don't eat meat, veggies, and too many others to list. I mainly live on dairy and bread, oh and chocolate. :)

2. Food on my plate CANNOT touch each other.

3. I have a big birthmark on my lower back. I am pretty self conscious of it, especially in the summer.

4. I used to sort my bath towels by color. My husband would say I'm a bit of a pack rat, but I do need organization as well.

5. The first time I kissed a boy was on my 16th birthday.

6. When I was 5, I got off at the wrong bus stop to go to the baby-sitters, I knew where I was, so I started walking home. I made it about 5 miles, then a lady picked me up and dropped me off at home. My dad was there sleeping(worked 3rd shift). He said I must have been exhausted, so he got me something to eat and went back to bed. He neglected to notify my mom, so she called the police, and they actually came to our house. She doesn't let him forget it.

7. I make lists for everything! I have a palm pilot, but I still need to have my little sticky notes of lists.

8. I over pack for everything, long or short trips, doesn't matter. I probably pack double of what I actually need. I come home with clean clothes, but I like to have options. I'm always afraid I might forget something, even though I have a list.


Kara said...

I have NEVER heard that story about getting off the bus at the wrong stop! I can't believe it! I definitely feel like we've bonded after reading your list. :)

Pam said...

Laurie, I always way over pack too. You never know what mood you'll be in. I seem to dress for my mood.

Laurie said...

Kara, I think we told that story last weekend too, but you might not have been around. Pam, I agree, my mood has a lot to do with how I dress.